Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Name Game

I wanted to get the kids writing a little more creatively today and still tie in the expectations that we have been working on. So far, creating a set of expectations with the teachers and implementing them in all our classrooms has been wonderful. The kids have already settled down considerably as they are getting regular reminders of expected behavior in the building. The best part of introducing the expectations as it is being done in such a way that learning them has been fun for everyone. The basic philosophy here is 'learning is fun and done with love and excitement'.

Anyway, I ended up talking about community and getting to know each other better. This segued into a   writing activity where the kids did an acrostic with their names. They had to think of something to describe themselves using a word or phrase that started with each letter in their name. They loved it. I realized, they have been doing a lot of reciting and copying and summaries to demonstrate their writing skills, but not much creative, personal writing.

I was elated to see them not only enjoy the activity, but they were so focused, thinking hard on what they would write that they used up the whole time writing. I couldn't stop them. Seriously. They were so intent on creating great phrases that I was able to walk around and assist them all individually (no management necessary!!!) to correct spelling and grammar.

Jesus David had me laughing out loud when I read his acrostic. I had to attach a photo of it. Look at the 'D' in David: Debo plata en la tienda (I owe money to the corner store). This was a phrase that he felt described him. I love it when kids surprise me like this...I was expecting one-word descriptions of themselves physically or athletically...nope, 'debo plata en la tienda'.

Camilo was the first to finish so I gave him the camera...thus, the artistic angles are his special touch in many of my photos today. I cannot wait to get this kid a digital camera and give him classes on taking pictures...Stu Mullenberg (my amazing friend's husband who is an incredible photographer in Portand, OR...if you are interested: want to come down and teaching a blossoming photographer???

As we were closing up the activity today, I received a few letters of 'te amo, Lisa' from the kids and more hugs than usual. The reason? They loved feeling like real writers and getting praise for their creativity. I love my job. I really, really, really love my job.

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