Saturday, October 27, 2012

The New Crew

One of my favorite things about the few free moments we have in the school before the kids file in to begin lessons is taking a minute to watch the energy and anticipation outside the door. A wave of children crashes against the building (literally) and high pitched squeals (as well as a few squabbles) replace the sounds of the Reggaton. It is guaranteed that there will be a few monkeys clinging to the reja peering in at their busy teachers. I love their bright, wide eyes. They are so content in the moment looking forward to getting in to learn something new.

To say that things have been chaotic this week would a huge understatement. This past week was Semana Uribe (a week of vacation dedicated to former president, Uribe) so the kids have been in and out sporadically. While they are still in the barrio during their holiday, it is a less structured time and we have had a difficult time keeping tabs on everyone. Even with the confusion, the newest teacher volunteers have been very flexible and patient.

Over the course of a month our entire volunteer staff was turned over and we are now overrun by the Brits. Currently, the role call reads: Cressida, Eva, Gabby, Venetia, Lucia, Charlie, Suzanne, Karol, Libia, and Lisa.  Cressida and Eva have the pre-k's (they are troopers...that room is filled with more energy than most people can handle), Gabby and Charlie are working with the intermediate group, Suzanne and Venetia are working with the highest level kids, Karol has a small 'inbetweeners' group, Libia is working one on one with special needs kids, Lucia is doing 'one on one' pull outs, and I am coaching and doing one on ones or small groups depending on the need each day. I have been loving working with all these ladies and am so thankful that they are eager to improve the the school and their teaching.

I have missed a couple of weeks of entries so instead of trying to write a huge book on the happenings lately, I figured I would let photos speak for themselves this week. Disfrutan!

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