I have lived in Colombia for a little over two years now, but I really haven't been able to appreciate these little pleasures of my town until I started working with CSF. Maybe it is because I am so incredibly happy with the place I am in my life or maybe it is because I finally have the time to relax and breathe a bit that I have been able to see what was always here.
Anyway, before taking off to class this afternoon, I said, 'Ciao' to my roommate and friend (and our art teacher!), Rachel. After a year of working in Colombia, her time (for now) is up. She left on a jetplane bound for Bogota...and then Philly. She will be back...!
I settled in with my reading comprehension group (Ana, Lina, Lucelis, Javier, Camilo, Alvaro, and Juan Sebastian) silently thanking God that I wasn't on the other side of Rob's door. We reviewed expectations, their new sticker charts for behavior, and then got into reading and writing around the topic of 'norms'. Sounds a little boring, but the stories were great and the kids were very interested in reading out loud and sharing their skills.
Javier spent a little while pouting in corner today and I gave him his space to figure out what he was going to do with his time in class, offering the suggestion of reading a book if he didn't want to join in the activity with the rest of the class. It took him a few minutes, but, eventually, he slid over to the bookshelf and grabbed a big, black and white picture book about a family of zebras. Before long, he was urging me to come listen to him read and the smile had returned to his face. His eagerness to share his reading spurred Juan Sebastian to follow suit and I got the opportunity to take a 'snapshot' of their current reading levels.
I ended the day going back over the expectations with the kids and asking them if they had earned their stickers for their charts (based on following all five expectations). All, but one fell short when it came to the 'respetamos a nosotros mismos, nuestros amigos y los maestros'...everyone except Juan Sebastian had managed to 'da una patada o golpe a uno' during today's session. There were some disappointed kids when they realized only one person earned a sticker today, but they accepted the consequences for their actions. I am curious to see how tomorrow goes...
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